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  • Pediatric physiotherapy practice in Berlin

    The practice for neurological rehabilitation and physiotherapy specilizes in supporting children and babies with neurological disorders in their movement development by designing individual motion skill acquisition plans

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  • Our therapies and approaches

    We are offering a wide range of therapies and solutions for children with developmental delays as well as for babies and children with severe cerebral damages.

  • Get in touch!

    As we try to keep waiting times in the health practice as short as possible, an appointment is required for treatment. 

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Pediatric physiotherapy Berlin

Health practice for neurologic rehabilitation and physiotherapy - Dagmar Siebold

vorgehensweise kreis grafic2

The health practice for pediatric physiotherapy Dagmar Siebold in Berlin specializes in treating babies and children with neurological symptoms. We also treat children with developmental delays, muscular diseases, rare diseases with chronic symptoms, and children with orthopedical problems such as torticollis (wryneck), cranial asymmetries, and problems with the vertebral column, hips, and feet.

We utilize appraoches from contemporary neurorehabilitation to facilitate your child's motion skill development. Motoric learning / body movement development is regarded as a learning process that encompasses acquiring, retaining, and adapting motor skills. This learning process requires considering essential aspects, including motivational factors influencing motor skill acquisition, offering many repetitions, reducing the morotic repertoire as well as movement feedback and motoric success. Therefore, an environment should be created at home, at the daycare, and in school that allows your child to practice the acquired motion sequences every day.

These factors are the foundation for desigining an individual neuromotoric development training in our health practice for pediatric physiotherapy at our locations in Berlin Charlottenburg and Berlin Prenzlauer Berg.


Our health practices for pediatric physiotherapy in Berlin Charlottenburg and Berlin Prenzlauer Berg focus on neurological first stage rehabilitation that specializes in the treatment of babies and children with grave cerebral damages. We offere these therapies and therapeutic approaches:

  • angebot entwicklungsdiagnostik main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Developmental diagnostics
  • angebot bobath2 main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Treatment according to Bobath
  • angebot krankengymnastik main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

  • angebot peto main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Conductive Education according to Pető
  • angebot galileo kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Galileo training
  • angebot handfunktionstraining main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Hand motor skills training
  • angebot spiegeltherapie main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Mirror therapy
  • angebot trainingstherapie main kinderphysiotherapie siebold

    Exercise therapy
  • angebot beratungsgespraeche main kinderphysiotherapie siebold


Our clients' experiences

  • Getting in touch with the Siebold pedeatric health practice via the Björn-Schulz-Foundation felt like a jackpot in the lottery to us. Without Ms. Siebold and her team, our daughter Frida surely would not be as advanced in her motor skill development as she is today. From the very start, Ms. Siebold offered her support and encouragement in the consultations, especially when we faced uphill battles. We are very grateful for the therapists' empathic and individually tailored work. Thank you very much!

    Frida's parents
  • Dagmar Siebold and her team helped my daughter Filipa to achieve what she can do today: she can walk, she manages stairs safely, eats on her own and much more! Without consistent training five days a week for four years we could not have reached these goals, no doctor thought her to be capable of this! We are absolutely grateful.

    Filipa's mother
  • We got in touch with the Siebold health practice while our daughter was at the Hohenstücken clinic for rehabilitation. While we were provided with therapeutic appliances, Ralf S. recommended Ms. Siebold. At her health practice, well-qualified, experienced and engaged physical therapists are taking care of our daughter. Again and again, they give us helpful advice we use every day at home, as well as instructions and guidance for the pre-school teachers.

    Pia's parents
  • Our pediatrician recommended the Siebold health practice. Julian was 4 months old back then. This means that we he has enjoyed the best physiotherapeutic treatment for 12 years now. I will never forget what she said in the beginning: "So far, I have taught every kid how to walk". I did not have much hope after Julian got his diagnosis. Now, she is teaching him how to walk for a second time after hip surgery. Dagmar, you are the best. With new ideas that are always adapted to the individual needs and situations, you and your team are creating miracles!!!! Keep up the good work! Thank you so much for the trusting cooperation and team-play. Tina, Steffen and Julian :)

    Tina K.
  • A doctor recommended the children's health practice for neurologic rehabilitation and physiotherapy. The team is kind and helpful and is always approachable for questions, I like their calm interaction with the patients.

    Kayra S.
  • In April 2011, an acquaintance told us about the health practice... The constant therapy as well as the many hints and the advice for everyday life still have an impact. Even though it can sometimes be quite demanding for him, K. is always looking forward to his "exercise" in the health practice. He gets a lot of encouragement and appreciation when he accomplishes something. The team is cheerful, attentive and always cares about the children's well-being and their progress. Thank you all so much!

    K.'s mother
  • After several bad experiences, I have now finally found a physiotherapeutic practie that understands children's needs and offers Pető and Bobath approaches. Ms. Siebold observed my daughter's problems closely and developed an individual therapeutic approach for her. Her health practice works systematically with specific methods and I am very content and happy that she and her team are there for me.

    Sandra B., Berlin
  • In April 2011, an acquaintance told us about the health practice... The constant therapy as well as the many hints and the advice for everyday life still have an impact. Even though it can sometimes be quite demanding for him, K. is always looking forward to his "exercise" in the health practice. He gets a lot of encouragement and appreciation when he accomplishes something. The team is cheerful, attentive and always cares about the children's well-being and their progress. Thank you all so much!

    K.'s mother
Make an appointment today!

We are looking forward to your visit to our pediatric physiotherapy health practice in Berlin!

We are trying to keep waiting times in our health practice as short as possible. Therefore, we do require an appointment for treatment. Please talk to us either in person during our regular opening hours, or contact us on the phone: +49 30 26306937. It is possible to make appointments outside of our regular opening hours.

Children who have not been registered with us do need an appointment for their initial registration:

Registration form